In an effort to keep everyone safe and healthy, yet still try to conduct business as usual, we are urging you to consider videoconferencing for your depositions. We will be waiving setup or videoconferencing fees during these crazy times. This includes platforms such as WebEx and Zoom. All parties, including our court reporter, can join the videoconference meeting easily. The only requirements for doing this are a laptop with an internet connection, camera and microphone (most laptops have these built in). You will receive an email from us with a link to click, along with a meeting number and password. Videoconferencing is not quite the same as doing the depositions in person, but we have found in the past that this is a wonderful alternative when time, distance and, now, health are a concern.
We are also offering our Fairfax office and videoconference services. This office is small and separate from our main office, practically no traffic, and has a cleaning crew, along with our own efforts, that come in every night to disinfect.
One of the largest benefits right now is that no one has to be in the room with anyone else. Again, all fees are waived for us setting this up. This way, depositions don’t have to come to a screeching halt!
Thanks, stay healthy, and give us a call at (703) 837-0076!